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View our video on genotypes

Watch our video on Genotypes (races) featured in the Apocalypse 5E game setting. Keep in mind that you can also mix traditional races and classes with the Apocalypse 5E setting. Feel free to use any of our optional rules or leave them out. It’s all up to you. Our setting is designed to be complete and cohesive but we’re experienced game masters and understand that the needs of your group will in the end dictate what is used or not.

Alien Amorph

Alien: Amorph

Sometimes referred to as Changelings, are jelly-like creatures that can change their shape and form freely. They have a clear body with no visible organs inside. Amorphs are considered to be an ooze when suffering the effects of spells, psionics, etc. It’s unclear what their role was during the apocalypse but some speculate they were somehow part of Reticulan invasion force.

Alien: Reticulan

Aka “Greys” are aliens with big almond-shaped eyes. Is it a widely held suspicion that they had a hand causing the great apocalypse, but there is no definitive proof of this. Many think they were part of an invasion force which was destroyed by the inhabitants of the planet. Currently the Reticulans are stranded, their main mothership completely destroyed. However, some have reported to have seen small scout vessels flying about every so often.

Alien Reticulan
saurian alien

Alien: Saurian

Saurians are a reptilian-like humanoid race. There are two general mindsets in their culture: those who wish to control and conquer other races and those who simply want to study cultures and learn from them. Other than their strange outer appearance, they are very similar to humans in most regards with the exception that they lay eggs to give birth. They have the ability to breathe in water and air and most are born with some degree of psychic powers. The disadvantages of playing this genotype is the restrictive diet, being limited to certain climates, and the fact that human medicine does not work with their biology.

Altered human

They are commonly referred to as mutants, but many Altered Humans consider this to be insulting. They are a hybrid of Human and animal DNA; some have been enhanced by high-tech engineering are also considered to be altered humans but are referred to as cyborgs. It wasn’t until about a century after the apocalypse that altered humans starting appearing. It’s up to the game master (dungeon master) to decide if this was caused by gamma radiation, chemicals, a magical curse, or DNA engineering. Currently there are enough altered humans that it is common to see them on a daily basis.
altered human badger fighter

Droid: Android

Androids are advanced robots that were designed for a specific profession or function. They are bipedal and humanoid in appearance but are made of plastic and metal. Unlike their synthetic counterparts, it’s obvious they are not human. Androids were a precursor to more advanced synth models that more precisely mimic human appearance, looks, movement, and sounds. Most were created for non-combat purposes such as medical and labs assistants. This does not mean there are not old combat androids but they are uncommon.

Droid: ROBOT

Robots or “bots”. The shape and appearance can vary wildly depending upon the purpose they were built. Those that are autonomous machines were built mostly for security or combat, but some were made for science research, personal assistance, and even law enforcement or public safety.
droid robot
droid synthetic

Droid: Synthetic

Synthetic or “synths” were designed to mimic humans to the point where most humans can’t tell they are synthetic. Movement, voice, and social skills are almost perfectly human. There are subtle social cues, sense of humor, and the like, that will give them away as synthetic, but it could many hours or days of interaction with them to discern their true nature. Unlike other droids they were not specifically designed for combat purposes. They were mainly created as companions, teachers, medics, and personal assistants. Synths are extremely high tech machines and have no problem using high-tech weapons and tools.

Mutated animals

Mutated Animals, aka “Smarties” have evolved over the centuries into intelligent and self-aware beings. Their genetic ancestors still roam the planet in one way or another, but they have diverged from the normal gene pool. There are many variations for players and the book details a wide range of animal “DNA Stocks” to choose from. The GM can always create their own custom animal genotype too. All sorts of things are possible in the game, it just takes a GM that can use the tables. Players will have all sorts of options from natural weapons and armor, to enhanced animal abilities and special mutations.
mutated animal
awakened plants

awakened plants

aka “The Awakened” are mutated plants that have been given sentience and mobility by either a magical spell, genetic modification, or something similar. Players can choose to play a bush, tree, vine, or a humanoid plant-based genotype called the Greenfolk. Just like the other mutated genotypes there are physical and mental mutations and ability options to make things more interesting. Imagine being able to grow healing berries from your shoulders. Or maybe you want a poison vine that lashes out like a whip, paralyzing your enemies. Maybe you pop out spores that when popped, release a deadly gas. For reconnaissance you have a creeping vine that extends out, working like another eye. The variations are many, so don’t think that playing a plant is boring, it’s anything but!


Aka “Pure Bloods”. Humans once reveled in creating and researching new technologies. But the apocalypse threw most of them back to the medieval age. This was an embarrassing blow to them as a race. Now they try to regain their former glory. Some humans are bent on destroying all the altered humans on the planet. Some think that going into hibernation and waiting it out is best. A few humans are trying to restore society to its former glory by creating large cryptic coalitions such as “The Restorationists.” Of all the genotypes on the planet, humans are the most diverse in their language, culture, and attitudes towards other genotypes. Humans were probably the most impacted of all the races. Some mutated, some went insane, others slept, but very few of them were unaffected. Their history and former glory lost in the dust of centuries. Many generations have now gone by for the short-lived humans but some were able to build a legacy for generations to come. Only time will tell if the human race will survive.